Source code for metatools.imports.rewrite

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import re
import optparse
import os
import token
import itertools
import lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize
import lib2to3.pygram
import lib2to3.pytree
import hashlib
import difflib
import traceback
from cStringIO import StringIO

[docs]def diff_texts(a, b, filename): """Return a unified diff of two strings.""" a = a.splitlines() b = b.splitlines() return '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff( a, b, filename, filename, "(original)", "(refactored)", lineterm="", ))
[docs]def module_name_for_path(path): head, module = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(path)[0]) while os.path.exists(os.path.join(head, '')): head, tail = os.path.split(head) module = tail + '.' + module # key_base pseudopackages; only the few that the external tools are # in. if '/key_base/' in head: if '/maya/python/' in head: return 'ks.maya.' + module if '/key_base/python/' in head: return 'ks.' + module return module
[docs]def resolve_relative(relative, module): if not relative.startswith('.'): return 0, relative orig_relative = relative parts = module.split('.') while relative.startswith('.'): relative = relative[1:] parts.pop(-1) parts.append(relative) return len(orig_relative) - len(relative), '.'.join(x for x in parts if x)
def _iter_chunked_source(source): driver = lib2to3.pgen2.driver.Driver(lib2to3.pygram.python_grammar, lib2to3.pytree.convert) if hasattr(lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize, 'detect_encoding'): string_io = StringIO(source) encoding, _ = lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize.detect_encoding(string_io.readline) else: encoding = 'utf8' tree = driver.parse_string(source) for is_source, group in itertools.groupby(_iter_chunked_node(tree), lambda (is_source, _): is_source): yield is_source, ''.join((value.encode(encoding) if isinstance(value, unicode) else value) for _, value in group) def _iter_chunked_node(node): if isinstance(node, lib2to3.pytree.Node): for child in node.children: for chunk in _iter_chunked_node(child): yield chunk else: # Deal with comments and spaces; comments -> False prefix = node.prefix or '' yield (not prefix.strip().startswith('#')), prefix # Everything that isn't a STRING can have identifiers. yield (node.type not in (token.STRING, )), node.value
[docs]def rewrite(source, mapping, module_name=None, non_source=False): rewriter = Rewriter(mapping, module_name) if non_source: return rewriter(source) rewritten = [] # Break the source into chunks that we may find identifiers in, and those # that we won't. for is_source, source in _iter_chunked_source(source): # Don't bother looking in comments and strings. if is_source: rewritten.append(rewriter(source)) else: rewritten.append(source) return ''.join(rewritten)
[docs]class Rewriter(object): _direct_import_re = re.compile(r''' import\s+ ( (?: (?:,\s*)? # Splitting consecutive imports. [\w\.]+ # The thing being imported. (?:\s+as\s+\w+\s*?)? # It's new name. | \* )+ ) ''', re.X) _import_from_re = re.compile(r''' from\s+ ([\w\.]+)\s+ import\s+ ( (?: (?:,\s*)? # Splitting consecutive imports. \w+ # The thing being imported. (?:\s+as\s+\w+\s*?)? # It's new name. | \* )+ ) ''', re.X) _usage_re = re.compile(r''' [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* (:?.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)* ''', re.X) def __init__(self, mapping, module_name): self.mapping = mapping self.module_name = module_name self.substitutions = {} def __call__(self, source): source = self._import_from_re.sub(self.import_from, source) source = self._direct_import_re.sub(self.direct_import, source) source = self._usage_re.sub(self.usage, source) for from_, to in self.substitutions.iteritems(): source = source.replace(from_, to) return source
[docs] def add_substitution(self, source): tag = '__%s__' % hashlib.md5(source).hexdigest() self.substitutions[tag] = source return tag
[docs] def split_as_block(self, block): for chunk in block.split(','): name, as_ = (re.split(r'\s+as\s+', chunk) + [None])[:2] name = name.strip() as_ = as_ and as_.strip() yield name, as_
[docs] def import_from(self, m): # print 'import_from:', m.groups() was_relative, base = resolve_relative(, self.module_name) imports = [] # Convert the full names of every item. for name, ident in self.split_as_block( full_name = base + '.' + name imports.append(( self.convert_module(full_name) or full_name, ident, )) # Assert that every item shares the same prefix. new_base = imports[0][0].split('.')[:-1] if any(x[0].split('.')[:-1] != new_base for x in imports[1:]): raise ValueError('conflicting rewrites in single import') # Restore the relative levels. if was_relative: new_base = self.make_relative(new_base) else: new_base = '.'.join(new_base) # Rebuild the "as" block. imports = [(name.split('.')[-1], ident) for name, ident in imports] imports = [('%s as %s' % (name, ident) if ident else name) for name, ident in imports] # Format the final source. return self.add_substitution('from %s import %s' % ( new_base, ', '.join(imports) ))
[docs] def make_relative(self, target): base = (self.convert_module(self.module_name) or self.module_name).split('.') while target and base and target[0] == base[0]: target = target[1:] base = base[1:] return '.' * len(base) + '.'.join(target)
[docs] def direct_import(self, m): # print 'direct_import:', m.groups() imports = [] # Convert the full names of every item. for name, ident in self.split_as_block( imports.append(( self.convert_module(name) or name, ident, )) # Rebuild the "as" block. imports = [('%s as %s' % (name, ident) if ident else name) for name, ident in imports] # Format the final source. return self.add_substitution('import ' + ', '.join(imports))
[docs] def usage(self, m): # print 'usage:', name = name = self.convert_identifier(name) or name return name
[docs] def convert_module(self, name): parts = name.split('.') for old, new in self.mapping.iteritems(): old_parts = old.split('.') if parts[:len(old_parts)] == old_parts: return '.'.join([new] + parts[len(old_parts):])
[docs] def convert_identifier(self, name): parts = name.split('.') for old, new in self.mapping.iteritems(): old_parts = old.split('.') if parts[:len(old_parts)] == old_parts: return '.'.join([new] + parts[len(old_parts):])
[docs]def main(): opt_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] from:to... path...") opt_parser.add_option('-w', '--write', action='store_true') opts, args = opt_parser.parse_args() renames = [] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if ':' not in arg: break old, new = arg.split(':', 1) renames.append((old, new)) args = args[i:] if not renames or not args: opt_parser.print_usage() exit(1) visited_paths = set() changed = set() def process(dir_name, path): if path.startswith('._') or not path.endswith('.py'): return if dir_name is not None: path = os.path.join(dir_name, path) if path in visited_paths: return visited_paths.add(path) print('#', path, file=sys.stderr) module_name = module_name_for_path(path) original = open(path).read().rstrip() + '\n' refactored = rewrite(original, dict(renames), module_name) if re.sub(r'\s+', '', refactored) != re.sub(r'\s+', '', original): print(diff_texts(original, refactored, path)) if opts.write: with open(path, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(refactored) for arg in args: try: process(None, arg) except Exception: print('# ERROR during', arg, file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() for dir_name, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(arg): dir_names[:] = [x for x in dir_names if not x.startswith('.')] for file_name in file_names: try: process(dir_name, file_name) except Exception: print('# ERROR during', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() print('Modified (%d)' % len(changed), file=sys.stderr) print('\n'.join(sorted(changed)), file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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