Source code for

import datetime
import os
import sys
from subprocess import call

import yaml

build_time =
absolute_self = os.path.abspath(__file__)
local_tools = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..'))

[docs]def dedent(docstring): if not docstring: return '' # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules) # and split into a list of lines: lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count): indent = sys.maxint for line in lines[1:]: stripped = line.lstrip() if stripped: indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) # Remove indentation (first line is special): trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] if indent < sys.maxint: for line in lines[1:]: trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) # Return a single string: return '\n'.join(trimmed)
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'usage: %s entrypoint.yml bin_dir [names]' % sys.argv[0] exit(1) entrypoints = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) bin_dir = sys.argv[2] names = sys.argv[3:] or entrypoints.keys() if not os.path.exists(bin_dir): print '%r does not exist; aborting' % bin_dir exit(2) for name in sorted(names): print name spec = entrypoints.get(name) if not spec: print '%r is not specified; aborting' % name exit(3) # Strings are a shortcut for only providing an entrypoint. if isinstance(spec, basestring): spec = {'entrypoint': spec} # From this point on only work with dicts. if not isinstance(spec, dict): print 'entrypoint specification must be a dict; got %r' % spec continue # Set some sensible defaults. spec.setdefault('type', 'python') spec.setdefault('interpreter', spec['type']) spec.setdefault('environ', {}) spec.setdefault('development_preamble', True) # Python specific defaults. spec.setdefault('kwargs', {}) spec.setdefault('args', ()) spec.setdefault('module', None) spec.setdefault('function', None) # Bash specific defaults. spec.setdefault('command', None) # Parse a Python string entrypoint. entrypoint = spec.pop('entrypoint', None) if entrypoint: parts = entrypoint.split(':') if len(parts) > 2: print 'entrypoint must be "package.module" or "package.module:function"; got %r; aborting %s' % (entrypoint, name) continue spec['module'] = parts[0] spec['function'] = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else None # Make sure it is a type that we understand. if spec['type'] not in ('python', 'bash'): print 'unknown entrypoint type %r; aborting %s' % (spec['type'], name) continue # Make sure Python entrypoints have a module. if spec['type'] == 'python' and not spec['module']: print 'python entrypoint must have a module; aborting %s' % (name, ) continue # Make sure bash entrypoints have a command. if spec['type'] == 'bash' and not spec['command']: print 'bash entrypoint must have a command; aborting %s' % (name, ) # This will be concatenated into the final source which will be written. source = [] # Shebang. source.append('#!/usr/bin/env %(interpreter)s\n' % spec) # Metadata. source.append(dedent(''' # This file was automatically generated by # %(absolute_self)s # at %(build_time)s. ''' % globals())) # Type specific initialization. if spec['type'] == 'python': source.append(dedent(''' import os import sys ''')) # Development pre-amble; hook into the environment from which the tool # was called. if spec['development_preamble']: if spec['type'] == 'python': source.append(dedent(''' # Bootstrap the dev environment. local_tools = %(local_tools)r if local_tools not in sys.path: # Add to path to potentially include sitecustomize. sys.path.append(local_tools) # Add as site-package. import sitecustomize sitecustomize.add_site_dir(local_tools) # Prepend to sites list for child processes. os.environ['KS_PYTHON_SITES'] = local_tools + ':' + os.environ['KS_PYTHON_SITES'] ''' % globals())) if spec['environ']: if spec['type'] == 'python': source.append('os.environ.update({\n') for x in sorted(spec['environ'].iteritems()): source.append(' %r: %r,\n' % x) source.append('})\n\n') elif spec['type'] == 'bash': for k, v in sorted(spec['environ'].iteritems()): source.append('export %s=\'%s\'\n' % (k, v.replace('\'', '\'\\\'\''))) # Call the python code. if spec['type'] == 'python': source.append('import %(module)s\n' % spec) if spec['function']: signature = [] signature.extend(repr(x) for x in spec['args']) signature.extend('%s=%r' % x for x in sorted(spec['kwargs'].iteritems())) spec.setdefault('signature', ', '.join(signature)) source.append('%(module)s.%(function)s(%(signature)s)\n' % spec) elif spec['type'] == 'bash': source.append('exec %(command)s $@') # Write the file. with open(os.path.join(bin_dir, name), 'w') as fh: fh.write(''.join(source)) call(['chmod', '+x', os.path.join(bin_dir, name)])
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